old spinx photo

Rare Old Photos of Egypt

pyramids of giza Rare Old Photos of Egypt

Pyramids of Giza, Chephren Pyramid,  1852. – Photograph via NYPL Digital Gallery


saqqara pyramids egypt old photo Rare Old Photos of Egypt

Sakkara Pyramid of Zoser – Photograph via NYPL Digital Gallery


Ramses statues luxor temple egypt Rare Old Photos of Egypt

Ramses statues, Luxor temple, Egypt – Photograph via NYPL Digital Gallery


abu simbel old photo Rare Old Photos of Egypt

Facade of the temple, Abou Simbel, Nubia 1862 – Photograph via NYPL Digital Gallery


temple of karnak old photo Rare Old Photos of Egypt

Avenue des beliers de Karnak – Photograph via NYPL Digital Gallery


old karnak photo Rare Old Photos of Egypt

Karnak. Grand temple, 1860-1929 – Photograph via NYPL Digital Gallery


Luxor temple colonade old photo Rare Old Photos of Egypt

Luxor Temple, Colonades, 1887 – Photograph via NYPL Digital Gallery


cairo citadel old photo Rare Old Photos of Egypt

Cairo, the Citadel, 1860-1929 – Photograph via NYPL Digital Gallery


donkey boys cairo Rare Old Photos of Egypt

The irrepressible donkey boys at Cairo, 1860-1929 – Photograph via NYPL Digital Gallery


luxor ramses 2 Rare Old Photos of Egypt

Luxor, Ramesses II, 1860-1929 – Photograph via NYPL Digital Gallery


old photos of egypt Rare Old Photos of Egypt

Sphinx & Pyramids of Giza – Photograph via NYPL Digital Gallery


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